1import secret
3def check_type_error(func):
4 try:
5 func()
6 except TypeError as e:
7 if str(e) == 'Опаааааа, тука има нещо нередно.':
8 return True
9 return False
11def check_base_exception(func):
12 try:
13 func()
14 except BaseException as e:
15 return True
16 return False
18def check_method_square(func, num):
19 try:
20 result = func(num)
21 if num % 2 == 0 and result == num ** 2:
22 return True
23 elif num % 2 != 0 and result == 0:
24 return True
25 except Exception:
26 return False
28def check_method_concat(func, left, right):
29 try:
30 result = func(left=left, right=right)
31 expect_result = left + right
32 return result == expect_result
33 except Exception:
34 return False
36def check_method_static(func):
37 try:
38 if callable(func) and func.__self__ is None:
39 return True
40 except:
41 return False
43def methodify():
44 def interesting_method(func):
45 interest_method = False
46 if (check_method_static(func.__name__) or
47 check_method_concat(func, left='left', right='right') or
48 check_method_square(func, 6) or check_base_exception(func) or
49 check_type_error(func)):
50 interest_method = True
51 return (interest_method
52 and len(func.__name__) == 1
53 and callable(func)
54 and 'clue' in func.__qualname__)
56 interest_methods = []
57 fac_number = 'FN7MI0300052'
59 for name_attr in dir(secret):
61 attr = getattr(secret, name_attr)
62 if callable(attr) and interesting_method(attr):
63 if attr.__name__ in fac_number:
64 interest_methods.append[attr]
66 return tuple(interest_methods)
FAIL: test_metodify (test.TestMethodify)
Test metodify function.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 12, in test_metodify
self.assertIn(methodify(), _RESULTS.keys())
AssertionError: () not found in dict_keys([(<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7ffa9368f1c0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7ffa9368ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7ffa9368ef80>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7ffa9368eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7ffa9368ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7ffa9368ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7ffa9368ed40>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7ffa9368ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7ffa9368eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7ffa9368f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7ffa9368edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7ffa9368eef0>, <function method_8 at 0x7ffa9368f130>, <function method_7 at 0x7ffa9368f0a0>)])
Ran 1 test in 0.000s
FAILED (failures=1)
Стелиан Витанов
19.11.2023 17:33По всяка вероятност не ми работи, защото мисля, че трябва рекурсивно да се обхожда модулът secret, но нямам идея как.