1import inspect
3FN = '8MI0600255'
6def test_function_for_specialty(func, obj_parent):
7 # Step 1 - exception TypeError with text 'Опаааааа, тука има нещо нередно.'
8 try:
9 func()
10 except TypeError as e:
11 if str(e) == 'Опаааааа, тука има нещо нередно.':
12 return True
14 # Step 2 - exception BaseException no matter the text
15 except BaseException:
16 return True
18 # Step 3 - number square check
19 try:
20 if func(12) == 144 and func(11) == 0:
21 return True
22 except:
23 pass
25 # Step 4 - left and right contcatenation of stirng
26 try:
27 if func(left='boob', right='BOOB') == 'boobBOOB':
28 return True
29 except:
30 pass
32 # Step 5 - check if the function is a @staticmethod
33 try:
34 if isinstance(inspect.getattr_static(obj_parent, func.__name__), staticmethod):
35 return True
36 except:
37 pass
39 return False
42def traverse_attributes(obj, special_methods: list, needed_names: set):
43 for attr in dir(obj):
44 if not attr.startswith('__'):
45 if attr.find('clue') != -1:
46 traverse_attributes(getattr(obj, attr), special_methods, needed_names)
47 elif len(attr) == 1 and ('A' <= attr <= 'Z' or '0' <= attr <= '9'):
48 if callable(getattr(obj, attr)):
49 if test_function_for_specialty(getattr(obj, attr), obj):
50 # print('found a special function'
51 special_methods.append(getattr(obj, attr))
52 try:
53 needed_names.remove(attr)
54 except KeyError:
55 pass
56 if len(needed_names) == 0:
57 return
60def methodify():
61 import secrets
63 special_methods = []
64 needed_names = set(symbol for symbol in FN)
65 traverse_attributes(secrets, special_methods, needed_names)
66 # print(special_methods)
68 try:
69 sorted_methods = []
70 for letter in FN:
71 sorted_methods.append(next(method for method in special_methods if method.__name__ == letter))
73 return tuple(sorted_methods)
74 except StopIteration:
75 print("I couldn't find the needed functions :((((")
I couldn't find the needed functions :((((
I couldn't find the needed functions :((((
FAIL: test_metodify (test.TestMethodify)
Test metodify function.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 12, in test_metodify
self.assertIn(methodify(), _RESULTS.keys())
AssertionError: None not found in dict_keys([(<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f43ee10f1c0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f43ee10ee60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f43ee10ef80>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f43ee10eb90>, <function method_I at 0x7f43ee10ec20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f43ee10ecb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f43ee10ed40>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f43ee10ea70>, <function method_N at 0x7f43ee10eb00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f43ee10f010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f43ee10edd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f43ee10eef0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f43ee10f130>, <function method_7 at 0x7f43ee10f0a0>)])
I couldn't find the needed functions :((((
Ran 1 test in 0.000s
FAILED (failures=1)