1import secret
2from inspect import isfunction, ismethod
3from contextlib import suppress
5MY_FN = 'FN2MI0600244'
6MY_FN_SET = set(MY_FN)
9def is_interesting(func):
10 try:
11 func()
12 except TypeError as err:
13 if str(err) == 'Опаааааа, тука има нещо нередно.':
14 return True
15 except BaseException:
16 return True
18 with suppress(Exception):
19 if func(11) == 0 and func(-2) == 4:
20 return True
22 with suppress(Exception):
23 if func(left='ko', right='ce') == 'koce':
24 return True
26 return False
29def сляпа_баба(obj, fn={}):
30 for attr_name in dir(obj):
31 attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
33 if attr_name in MY_FN_SET and (isfunction(attr) or ismethod(attr) and is_interesting(attr)):
34 fn[attr_name] = attr
36 if attr_name.find('clue') >= 0:
37 сляпа_баба(attr)
38 return fn
41def methodify():
42 return tuple([сляпа_баба(secret)[x] for x in MY_FN])
FAIL: test_metodify (test.TestMethodify)
Test metodify function.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 12, in test_metodify
self.assertIn(methodify(), _RESULTS.keys())
AssertionError: (<function decoy_1 at 0x7f5fbb153250>, <function decoy_1 at 0x7f5fbb153250>, <function decoy_3 at 0x7f5fbb153370>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function decoy_3 at 0x7f5fbb153370>, <function decoy_3 at 0x7f5fbb153370>, <function decoy_3 at 0x7f5fbb153370>, <function decoy_3 at 0x7f5fbb153370>, <function decoy_3 at 0x7f5fbb153370>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>) not found in dict_keys([(<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_9 at 0x7f5fbb1531c0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_3 at 0x7f5fbb152e60>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_5 at 0x7f5fbb152f80>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>, <function method_M at 0x7f5fbb152b90>, <function method_I at 0x7f5fbb152c20>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_0 at 0x7f5fbb152cb0>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_1 at 0x7f5fbb152d40>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>), (<function method_F at 0x7f5fbb152a70>, <function method_N at 0x7f5fbb152b00>, <function method_6 at 0x7f5fbb153010>, <function method_2 at 0x7f5fbb152dd0>, <function method_4 at 0x7f5fbb152ef0>, <function method_8 at 0x7f5fbb153130>, <function method_7 at 0x7f5fbb1530a0>)])
Ran 1 test in 0.002s
FAILED (failures=1)