t | o, g, oh, methodify = __import__('secret'), lambda r: list(filter(None, (g(getattr(r, e)) if 'clue' in e else (e, getattr(r, e)) if len(e) == 1 and e in 'FN0123456789MI' and (lambda parent, func, elem_name: any((getattr(type(parent), elem_name, None) is func, (te:=lambda f, *a, **k: exec(str(oh(b'begin 666 <data>\nM=\')Y.B!G;&]B86QS*"E;)W1E<B==/68H*F$L("HJ:RD*97AC97!T($)A<V5%\nA>&-E<\'1I;VX@87,@93H@9VQO8F%L<R@I6R=T97(G73UE\n \nend\n', 'uu'), '850')))(func), type(ter) == TypeError and str(ter) == str(oh(b'begin 666 <data>\n@U]B@H*"@H* L(.7GQJ @M]*@(-2H^=8@U*CAJ*;4UBX \n \nend\n', 'uu'), '855'), type(ter) == BaseException, (te(func, 2) or ter == 4) and (te(func, 3) or ter == 0), te(func, left='(. )', right='( .)'), ter == '(. )( .)')))(r, getattr(r, e), e) else None for e in dir(r)))), __import__('codecs').decode, lambda: tuple(dict((fl:=lambda lst: sum(([x] if not isinstance(x, list) else fl(x) for x in lst), []))(list(yes for yes in g(o))))[deeper] for deeper in 'FN0123456789MI') | t | o, g, oh, methodify = __import__('secret'), lambda r: list(filter(None, (g(getattr(r, e)) if 'clue' in e else (e, getattr(r, e)) if len(e) == 1 and e in 'FN0123456789MI' and (lambda p, f, e: any((getattr(type(p), e, None) is f, (te:=lambda f, *a, **k: exec(str(oh(b'begin 666 <data>\nM=\')Y.B!G;&]B86QS*"E;)W1E<B==/68H*F$L("HJ:RD*97AC97!T($)A<V5%\nA>&-E<\'1I;VX@87,@93H@9VQO8F%L<R@I6R=T97(G73UE\n \nend\n', 'uu'), '850')))(f), type(ter) == TypeError and str(ter) == str(oh(b'begin 666 <data>\n@U]B@H*"@H* L(.7GQJ @M]*@(-2H^=8@U*CAJ*;4UBX \n \nend\n', 'uu'), '855'), type(ter) == BaseException, (te(f, 2) or ter == 4) and (te(f, 3) or ter == 0), te(f, left='(. )', right='( .)'), ter == '(. )( .)')))(r, getattr(r, e), e) else None for e in dir(r)))), __import__('codecs').decode, lambda: tuple(dict((fl:=lambda lst: sum(([x] if not isinstance(x, list) else fl(x) for x in lst), []))(list(yes for yes in g(o))))[deeper] for deeper in 'FN0123456789MI') |